Ticket To Ride-BEATLES
The best use of street art I’ve seen so far and the reason I’m stuck today.
Women Are Heroes - JR
This world has a special hatred for women. Everyday we are raped, sold, prostituted, beaten, abused. I read somewhere that women receive at least 400 messages about how we should look. It is indeed dangerous to be a woman. And we are constantly in danger as well.
The artist JR took photos of Sierra Leone women, survivors of the most horrible sort of cruelty, and asked them to make silly faces so he could photograph them. Now if you’ve ever been depressed before you know that sometimes the act of smiling is a miracle in itself. To have these women enjoy themselves in such a pure, freeing way is so empowering. And I am grateful they were given the opportunity to do so.
Next, the photos were plastered EVERYWHERE. Buses, walls, swimming pools, roofs, all in support of the community. JR ended up winning the $100,000 TED Prize this year. Well deserved.
This is the trailer of his yet-to-be completed project. I cannot wait.
Despite any horrors we’ve been through, we need to focus on the light and life we still have. If they can do it, I think we can too. Yes?
** http://playwiththedolls.tumblr.com/