Fall semester has started again, and i'm back in school. It seems like my summer went by so fast, and I can't believe I got to do so much. Started it off by going home to the Philippines, and stayed there for a month. Then came back and had family over for about two and a half weeks. All that, and it still flew by in a flash. I guess that's how it is when you're having lots of fun.
As I said, i'm now back in school. First day was very hectic, I had to be at work by 10am and let me tell you that is not how you want to start your first day back. I work at our school box office, which we pretty much do everything from making the school ids, selling school tickets to customer service. You name it we do it! But other than the hectic day at work, it was ended by going to my Women and Creativity class. I've only been to one lecture, because we only meet once a week but I already love it. For our first day we watched the film Like Water For Chocolate, and let me tell you it's a very intense movie. We're also reading the book and i'm finding it a really good read, i've attached a link on here so that you can get an over view on to what the book/film is about.
I can't wait for what my other classes has too offer, so far i'm lovin it. Hope it stays that way till the end of the semester:)