haven't blogged in the longest time. been very busy with extra curricular activities, but mostly school. now that i have a little bit of free time i can blog again. still wont be on a regular basis, but i'll try to post stuff up once a week. i feel like i have to write again, because a lot has been going on in my life lately. and not just with me personally but stuff around me. i think the major event that's happened for the past couple of months is my aunts passing. she was the sister of my mom, and i practically grew up with her. "mommy jean" as i called her was like a second mom to me, and losing her devastated me so much. it was like losing my actual mom. it's still surreal for me to think that my aunt is gone and has gone to heaven, but someday i will come to accept the fact that she's gone. for now i still want to hold on to that feeling, that she's a phone call away...
on a lighter note, just last week i went to l.a., california for two days. and i fell in love with the city. it's not like the other places i've visited before. the thing that makes l.a. so different from the other cities i've visited before is the fact that it's a city where adventure is the main attraction. you'll never be bored when you're there, and the people you'll meet are very nice. speaking of l.a. people, they're also the most unique individuals you can ever meet. maybe, someday i can call "the city of angels" my home.
i turn 21 in aprox 2 weeks (most definitely, I'll be blogging about that)!!!
live laugh love:)